High-Resolution Cross-Correlation Transmission Spectroscopy of KELT-20b

In January 2024, I presented a poster on my analysis of atmospheric physics of KELT-20b, an ultra hot Jupiter exoplanet. For a more detailed summary of what I presented, please see the abstract. I am currently preparing both a manuscript and an undergraduate thesis on this same topic.

Research Figure 2
This plot shows the wind speed variation of neutral iron and singly ionized iron detected in KELT-20b's atmosphere. Note that each species has roughly the same dynamics, but offset by ~2km/s. This offset suggests we are probing different altitudes in the atmosphere, an exciting, novel view into the three-dimensional dynamics of the atmosphere.

Linking Writing Processes to Writing Quality with Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Regression Tree

I participated in the Linking Writing Processes to Writing Quality Kaggle competition, concluding in January 2024. I engnineered dozens of features from provided keystroke log data based on recent computational linguistics and psychology literature, applied scikit-learn models, analyzed feature importance and model performance, and placed in the 63.3% on the Efficiency Leaderboard.

Research Figure 1
This poster summarizes my solution.